Friday, March 7, 2008

I guess it was the beatings... made me wise

So it appears as though our son is already getting the crap beat out of him and he's only in daycare.

When you pick up your child from this daycare (which is awesome, btw), there may be a little yellow note on the sign in/out table letting you know if your child has had a "boo-boo" that day. Usually these consist of simple bumps and bruises and nothing more. Well earlier this week, I was greeted with a note that said he had not one, but two "boo-boo's". Now I should stress that this table is right as you come in the door so you don't see your child until well after you make your way past the table. So anyways, I had no idea what I was in store for but was obviously concerned, even though I hadn't received a phone call from anyone stating that Xavier was working on setting the single-day record for "boo-boo's" at this particular location.

It turns out that on occasion, Xavier can be the object of everyone's attention at the daycare including the people that work there. Well apparently his best "little buddy" got jealous at him getting all the attention and proceeded to try to rip his eye out. Thankfully, she missed and only scratched his head. The other "boo-boo" came when he was pulling himself up on the changing table and fell, presumably while he was trying to escape.

Now I'm sure this is just the first in what will be many, many incidents where he's going to get hurt and we won't be there to do anything about it (and for all I know, he could be the one dishing out the pain next time), but the thought of him being attacked by anything, no matter how small and harmless, really freaks me out and is going to take a lot of getting used to.

Ahhh... the joys of being first-time parents.

1 comment:

The Running Couple said...

At least he's almost 11 months old. Trauma has already started receiving beatings from his younger sister and they're only two months old. (of course she doesn't look like she's striking for blood but with that innocent look you never know)
