Saturday, March 22, 2008

Maybe all I need is a shot in the arm

So it would appear that when it comes to this whole blogging thing, I fail.

Not that I stay awake at night worried that I don't always have something to share with the internets, but apparently there were some expectations when we set this thing up.

Right now, the only people that even know about this are people we see all the time. Now I know that there are ways to try to make others more aware, but I have to decide whether I would want strangers or people I may not know so well see what a crappy blogger I am. It's like "Hey, check out my blog!" and knowing that if they do they will say "That's it? Remind me again why I want to come here?!"

Now unlike my wife, I tend to not really care what others may think about me or how we live our lives. But if I put my name on something I want people to know that I'm putting some effort into it.

So with that being said, I plan on making more entries, more often. Maybe I'll post three one day and none the next. Whatever the case may be I'm going to try to stop over-analyzing things and share my thoughts on whatever may be on my mind, no matter how stupid or insignificant they may be to those that may actually read them.

1 comment:

The Running Couple said...

I love your title, and we never care what other people think about the things we write or could you not tell that.
